Creative Design will improve your retail sales in 2013


Future Retail Store Design

Future Retail Store Design

Creative design will drive retail store design and sales.  New design and creativity will refuel our economy in the next few years.

Retail stores will look very different in a few years than they do today. In the age of mobile technology, shoppers are changing more than ever, and retailers are rushing to catch up with their customers’ ever-evolving demands.

Creative designers with MFA, not MBA degrees will grow our retail economy in the coming years. When everything is a commodity, like it is today, only creative and integrated design is your competitive advantage.

“Stores will become more theatrical, more immersive, and more of a life experience rather than simply a place to get something.

As much as they are selling products they will be selling a lifestyle.”

From cash registers to integrating mobile devices, stores will soon look very different.


Do you have an MBA ?… if so you will be out of work soon


People are logical thinkers or creative thinkers. They are usually never both. It would be like being a Scientist versus a Spiritual Teacher. One believes only in the seen world, the other the unseen world.

If you are logical, I suggest you start learning to become creative. The new economy and life itself has shifted. The new economy is favoring the creatives over the old logical MBA mind-set. The world’s economies are broken. Only new creative holistic problem solving thinking will fix it.

Alan Greenspan the former chairman of Americas Federal reserve board, recognized the role of creativity and creative thinkers in our new economy, as early as 1997 in a speech at the University of Connecticut when he said “The growth of the creative conceptual component of output has brought with it accelerating demands for American workers who are equipped not simply with technical know-how, but with the ability to create,  and transform information and to interact effectively with others.”

If you have an MBA you need to get a MFA very soon, or your logical thinking will find you out of work, and wondering what the H… just happened to your career.

Here are 4 thoughts to define the difference in thinking.

Creative people look at something and see a world of possibility for how it could be used….Logical people see only what it was built for.


 Are you looking ahead “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. Wayne Gretzky -…A logical person see only what’s in front of them.
 Thinking Creatively is really not thinking. It is about gut feeling, intuition and trust in the unknown, not the known…. Logical people only trust what the see.
“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” Chagall…. Creating is easy- logical thinking is hard


Help Our School Children Reach For the SKy

children reach sky

It’s way past time that we start bringing the arts and creativity back into our classrooms.

We have been living in a world of left brain logical, robotic over analytical thinking world for 50 years.

It has gotten us to this mess we are in now. We are in our heads and not our hearts.

We need to allow children to be children, and allow them to use their right brain creative mind as well.

The right brain mind is loving and thinks of holistic solutions not single solutions.

All of our greatest discoveries come from the right brain thinking.

All our ideological dominator thinking comes from our left brain thinking.

The 21st century will become creative. Teach our children creativity in school.

Do not continue to inhibit their natural creativity.

Science without creativity and love is killing us.

Let the children free!
